The Ministry of Finance: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 504
East African Community Customs Management (Duty Remission) Regulations, 2008
(2008-03)These Regulations may be cited as the East African Community Customs Management (Duty Remission) Regulations, 2008. These Regulations shall come into force on such date as the Council may, by notice published in the Gazette, ... -
Drugs and Prevention of Illicit Traffic and Drugs Act, 1995
(Ministry of Finance, 1995-07)An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to narcotic drugs; to make provisions for the control and regulation of operations relating to narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances; to provide for the forfeiture of ... -
Banking and Financial Institutions (Licensing) (Amendment), 2023
(Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2023-01)These Regulations may be cited as the Banking and Financial Institutions (Licensing) (Amendment) Regulations, 2022 and shall be read as one with the Banking and Financial Institutions (Licensing) Regulations, 2014 ... -
Banking and Financial Institutions (Internal Control and Internal Audit) Regulations, 2014
(Ministry of Finance, 2014-08)These Regulations may be cited as the Banking and Financial Institutions (Internal Control and Internal Audit) Regulations, 2014. These regulations shall apply to all banks and financial institutions. -
Financial Intelligence Unit Annual Report 2011-2012
(Ministry of Finance, 2011)Tanzania recognizes that money laundering and terrorist financing affect the attainment of national goals. In recognition of the negative effects of these crimes to the financial sector and the economy in general, and ... -
Extradition Act, 1965
(Ministry of Finance, 1965-03)This Act may be cited as the Extradition Act, 1965, and shall come Short title into operation. -
Evaluation of the Implementation Of 2nd National 5 Years Development Plan 2016-2021
(Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2021-01)This report is based on the evaluation of Tanzania's Second Five Years Development Plan (FYDP - II for 2016/2017 to 2020/2021 whose theme is "Nurturing Industrialization for Economic Transformation and Human Development" ... -
Financial Access for Sustainable and Transformational (Fast) Growth, 2024
(Ministry of Finance, 2024-11)This Environment & Social Management System (ESMS) outlines the Environment & Social (E&S) risk management strategy for activities to be undertaken by the Ministry of Finance's (MOF) Financial Sector Development Department ... -
Audited Consolidated Financial Statements for year ended 30th June, 2018
(Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2019-03)The year end results for 2017/18 demonstrate the Government’s commitment to managing the economy well, together with prudent and effective fiscal policy. The Government is on track to deliver on the Budget responsibility ... -
Audited Report by those Charged with Governance and Consolidated Financial Statements for the Year Ended 30th June, 2022
(2023-03)The financial year 2021/22 was yet another year of a number of successes for the coun- try. In the first half of the year 2021/22, we witnessed continued recovery of economic activities in the wake of the re-opening of the ... -
Audited Reports by Those Charged with Governance and Consolidated Financial Statements for The Year Ended 30 June, 2020
(Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2021-03)The United Republic of Tanzania was formed on 26th April 1964 out of the union of two Eastern Africa sovereign states of Tanganyika and Zanzibar. This Consolidated Financial Statements for the financial year ... -
Audited Consolidated Financial Statements for the year Ended 30 June 2017
(Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2018-03)The Financial Statements for the financial year 2016/2017 provide a record of the Government of United Republic of Tanzania (Tanzania Mainland) financial performance, financial position, cash flows, change in net assets/equity, ... -
Anti‐Money Laundering Guidelines to Collective Investment Schemes
(Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2006)The AntiMoney Laundering Act, Cap 423, 2006 (AMLA) was promulgated to make better provisions for the prevention and prohibition of money laundering, to provide for the disclosure of information on money laundering, ... -
Anti-Money Laundering Guidelines for Bank of Tanzania
(Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2009)The Anti-Money Laundering Act Cap. 423 was promulgated to make better provisions for the prevention and prohibition of money laundering, to provide for the disclosure of information on money laundering, to establish a ... -
Anti‐Money Laundering and Counter‐Terrorist Financing Guidelines to Insurers
(Ministry of Finance, 2006)The Anti‐Money Laundering Act, 2006 was promulgated to make better provisions for the prevention and prohibition of money laundering, to provide for the disclosure of information on money laundering, ... -
Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Risk Assessment.
(Ministry of Finance, 2021)This guideline is designed to help you conduct money laundering and terrorism financing risk assessment (Risk Assessment) under the Anti-Money Laundering Act (Cap. 423) and Prevention of Terrorism Act (Cap. 19). -
An Act to Amend the Anti-Money Laundering and Proceedings of Crime Act, No.10 of 2009
(2009)This Act may be cited as the Anti Money Laundering and proceeds of Crime (Amendment Act, 2022 and shall come into operation immediately after being assented by the President and published in the Gazette -
AMLCFT Compliance Guide on Obligations of Designated Non- Financial Businesses and Profession (DNFBPs).
(Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2023-01)In 2022, The United Republic of Tanzania amended its anti-money laundering related legislation to incorporate Risk Based Approach to AML/CFT/CFP measures. The two legislations defined the term reporting person to include ... -
AML CFT Risk Assessment Report Format Name of Reporting Person, 2021
(Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2021-09)"This AML/CFT Risk Assessment Report ("The Reprt" )" is issues in accordance with the provisions of the Anti- Money Laundering Act (cap.423) the AML/CFT Institutional Risk Assessment Guidelines issued by the Financial ... -
A Report on Assessment of Terrorist Financing Risk in Non-Profit Organizations in The United Republic of Tanzania,
(Ministry of Finance, 2022-07)Risk assessment in matters related to Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Proliferation Financing (ML/TF/PF) is the process of identifying, analysing and understanding risks. In addition to assessing risks, ...