National Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Risk Assessment
In September 2015, the United Republic of Tanzania embarked on Financial Inclusion (FI) Products Risk Assessment, as part of the wider National Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Risk Assessment (NRA). The exercise lasted 16 months and it was championed by the Ministry of Finance and Planning and it was closely advised by the National Multi-Disciplinary Committee on Anti-Money Laundering (NAMLC). The Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) coordinated the exercise and it worked in close collaboration with Bank of Tanzania. NRA was conducted on the basis of a self-assessment by Tanzanian authorities, using the
NRA tool developed and provided by the World Bank. The NRA exercise involved 127 participants from 80 public and private sector institutions. The subgroup that conducted the FI Products Risk Assessment comprised 17 participants. The aim of FI Products Risk Assessment was to assess the risk of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (ML/TF) arising from existing as well as emerging FI products, as well as to propose measures to mitigate the identified risks