Budget Guideline 2009/10 –2011/12
The Medium Term Plan and Budget Guidelines for 2009/10 – 2011/12 guides MDAs, RSs
and LGAs to prepare their MTEFs. The document translates policies set in the Development
Vision 2025, MKUKUTA, The Medium Term Public Investment Plan (MPP) and the Ruling
Party 2005 Election Manifesto into financeable medium term interventions.For the first time
this Document combines the preceding two Guidelines Documents prepared by the
Government to ensure efficient coordination of fiscal policy management, thus avoiding
duplication of efforts and resources across government. In this respect, the expenditure
framework will focus on investing in economic infrastruture in potential areas for growth;
social services delivery especially in underserved areas, and sustain macroeconomic stability
in the country. Indeed, the preparation process for this Guidelines document involved all key
ministries and non state actors in identifying priorities for interventions.
- Budget Guidelines [33]