Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Guidelines to CMSA licensees, Guideline No.5,2021
(Ministry of Finance, 2021)
The Anti‐Money Laundering Act, Cap 423 of 2006 (AMLA) was promulgated to make better provisions for the prevention and prohibition of money laundering, to provide for the disclosure of information on money laundering, to ...
Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Finance of Terrorism Risks Assessment,2021
(Ministry of Finance, 2021)
This guidelines designed to help you to conduct Money Laundering and terrorism financing risk assessment
Guidelines for Verification of Customers Identities,2021
(Ministry of Finance, 2021)
Following the enactment of the Anti- Money Laundering Act, in 2006, which became effective on July 1st, 2007, the Minister for Finance, as empowered under the law, issued the Anti-Money Laundering Regulations, 2007 to ...
Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Guidelines for Insurers, Guideline No 4,2021
(Ministry of Finance, 2021)
The Anti‐Money Laundering Act, 2006 was promulgated to make better provisions for the prevention and prohibition of money
laundering, to provide for the disclosure of information on money laundering, to establish a ...
Anti-Money Laundering Guidelines to Collective Investment Scheme-Guidelines. 2021
(Ministry of Finance, 2021)
The Anti‐Money Laundering Act, Cap 423, 2006 (AMLA) was promulgated to make better provisions for the prevention and prohibition of money laundering, to provide for the disclosure of information on money laundering, to ...