Now showing items 14-16 of 16

    • Tanzania Report (Financial Inclusion Products Risk Assessment),2016 

      The United Republic of Tanzania (Ministry of Finance, 2016)
      In September 2015, the United Republic of Tanzania embarked on Financial Inclusion (FI) Products Risk Assessment, as part of the wider National Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Risk Assessment (NRA). The exercise ...
    • Terrorist Financing and Hawala Risk Assessment Report,2022 

      The United Republic of Tanzania (Ministry of Finance, 2022)
      n simple parlance, terrorist financing is the financing of terrorist acts, terrorists, and terrorist organizations. This involves the generation and movement of funds for the sole purpose of committing terrorist acts or ...
    • Written Laws Miscellanous Amendments No.2Bill,2016 

      The United Republic of Tanzania (Ministry of Finance, 2016)
      This Act may be cited as the Written Laws (Miscellaneous Amendments) (No.2) Act, 2016.