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dc.contributor.authorThe United Republic of Tanzania
dc.description.abstractThe 2018 debt sustainability analysis (DSA) exercise is in line with Regulation 38 (d) of the Government Loans, Guarantees and Grant Act CAP 134, which requires the Government to conduct DSA on annual basis. The main objective of this exercise was to assess the impact of existing Government debt level and prospective new borrowing on current and future debt service. The exercise was also meant to incorporate the recent developments, in particularly the newly rebased GDP figures in 2017/18, as well as the reclassification of the country from medium to strong policy performer. The analysis used the revised Low-Income Countries Debt Sustainability Framework (LIC-DSF).en_US
dc.publisherMinistry of Financeen_US
dc.subjectPublic debten_US
dc.subjectExternal Public Debten_US
dc.subjectMacro economics assumptionsen_US
dc.titleTanzania National Debt Sustainability Analysis,2018en_US

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