Now showing items 24-43 of 174

    • Budget Guideline 2011-2012 

      The United Republic of Tanzania; (Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2011-03)
      The Plan and Budget Guidelines have been prepared taking into account the ongoing process of the review of achievements of objectives and targets of the Tanzania Development Vision (TDV) 2025 and the preparation of the ...
    • Budget Guideline 2012-2013 

      The United Republic of Tanzania (Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2012-02)
      The Plan and Budget Guidelines (PBGs) for 2012/13 are being issued in the backdrop of the first Five Year Development Plan (FYDP I) 2011/12 – 2015/16 and MKUKUTA II (2010/11-2014/15). The Guidelines are in consonance ...
    • Budget Guideline 2014-2015 

      The United Republic of Tanzania (Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2013-10)
      The Plans and Budget Guidelines (PBG) for the year 2014/15 is the fourth in implementing the Five Year Development Plan 2011/12-2015/16. The utmost goal of PBG is to achieve the highest economic and social welfare for ...
    • Budget Process 

      The United Republic of Tanzania (Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2021)
      Budget Process The budget process is actually about the annual budget cycle events and activities. Essentially it involves the determination of resources and their uses for attainment of government objectives. A sound ...
    • The Citizen's Budget for the Year 2022 - 2023 

      The United Republic of Tanzania (Ministry of Finance and Planning and Policy Forum, 2022)
      The Citizen’s Budget booklet provides a summary of policies and plans reflected in the Government budget in a simplified form. The aim of this booklet is to increase citizen’s awareness, access to budgetary information, ...
    • The Citizens’ Budget for the year 2011-2012 

      The United Republic of Tanzania (Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2011)
      A citizens’ budget is a simplified digest of the national budget produced in a format that makes it easy for the ordinary citizen to understand the main features of what the government has planned for the financial year. ...
    • The Citizens’ Budget for the year 2012-2013 

      The United Republic of Tanzania (Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2012)
      This is a second issue of a Citizens Budget that summarizes and explains basic budget information contained in Government Budget 2012/2013. The Government Budget describes how government will raise money and how it will ...
    • The Citizens’ Budget for the year 2013-2014 

      The United Republic of Tanzania (Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2013)
      This is the third edition of the citizen budget which intends to explain the Government budget for the 2013/14 financial year in simple and easily understood language to Tanzanians. The Government budget is a financial ...
    • The Citizens’ Budget for the year 2014-2015 

      The United Republic of Tanzania (Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2014)
      The Citizen’s Budget document is issued to improve citizen’s access to budgetary information with the objective of promoting accountability and transparency in public finance management. It presents the Government ...
    • The Citizens’ Budget for the year 2015-2016 

      The United Republic of Tanzania (Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2015)
      This is another edition of Citizens’ Budget which explains the Government budget for year 2015/16 in a simplified way. The term Government budget means the annual estimates of the revenues, other receipts and the ...
    • The Citizens’ Budget for the year 2016-2017 

      The United Republic of Tanzania (Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2016)
      The 2016/2017 edition of the Citizens’ Budget intends to provide a simple and clear overview of 2016/17 Government Budget in a more transparent manner, as it was for the previous editions1. Essentially, Government Budget ...
    • The Citizens’ Budget for the year 2017-2018 

      The United Republic of Tanzania (Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2017)
      This Citizens’ Budget summarizes the information regarding Government Budget for financial year 2017/18. The booklet has essentially six parts, starting with introductory part which explains budget concepts and objectives ...
    • The Citizens’ Budget for the year 2018-2019 

      The United Republic of Tanzania (Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2018)
      Citizens’ Budget is a version prepared each financial year to provide basic information for the Government budget to citizens in a simplified language. The Government has been publishing this version of the budget since ...
    • The Citizens’ Budget for the year 2019-2020 

      The United Republic of Tanzania (Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2019)
      Citizens’ Budget is the version that has been prepared since the financial year 2010/11 aiming at informing citizens on plans and budget highlights in a simple language. Furthermore, the version provides an opportunity ...
    • The Citizens’ Budget for the year 2020-2021 

      The United Republic of Tanzania (Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2020)
      Bajeti ya Serikali Toleo la Wananchi ni Kijitabu kinachoelezea mipango na bajeti ya Serikali kwa muhtasari na lugha rahisi inayoweza kueleweka kwa Mwananchi wa kawaida na wadau mbalimbali. Kijitabu hiki kinamsaidia ...
    • The Citizens’ Budget for the year 2021-2022 

      The United Republic of Tanzania (Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2021)
      The Citizens’ Budget Booklet is a simplified form of the Government Budget in a language that citizens and other stakeholders can easily understand. The Booklet helps citizens to fully understand and comprehend ...
    • Estimates of Public Expenditure Consolidated Fund Services and Supply Votes (Ministerial) Volume II 2022-23 

      The United Republic of Tanzania (Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2022-07)
      As Submitted to the National Assembly
    • Estimates of Public Expenditure Supply Votes (Regional) Volume III 2022-23 

      The United Republic of Tanzania (Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2022-07)
      As Submitted to the National Assembly
    • Financial Statement, Public Expenditure and Revenue Estimates : As Passed by the Parliament 2014 / 2015 

      Tanzania, United Republic (Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2014)
      Financial Statement, Public Expenditure and Revenue Estimates Volume II - IV As Passed by the Parliament 2014-2015
    • Financial Statement and Revenue Estimates for the Year 1971-1972 

      The United Republic of Tanzania (Ministry of Finance, 1971)
      Financial Statement and Revenue Estimates for the Year 1971-1972