Recent Submissions

  • Public Private Partinership Agreement,2021 

    The United Republic of Tanzania (Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2021)
    This Public Private Partnership (PPP) Agreement has been prepared as a simplified, standardized Model version of a “normal” PPP Agreement for PPP Project. It serves as a 12th Schedule to the PPP Standard Model Request for ...
  • Tanzania Public-Private Partnership Project (P159192) 

    The United Republic of Tanzania (Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2020)
    The Government of Tanzania (GoT) is implementing public-private partnerships (PPPs) to deliver infrastructure and other public services. Implementation is guided by the PPP Policy approved in 2009, the PPP Act 2010 (as ...
  • Mradi wa Ubia Kati ya Sekta ya Umma na Sekta Binafsi Tanzania,2020 

    Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania (Wizara Ya Fedha na Mipango, 2020)
    Serikali ya Tanzania (GoT) inatekeleza Miradi Ushirikiano wa Umma na Binafsi (PPPs)ili kujenga miundombinu na kuimarisha huduma za umma. Utekelezaji unaongozwana Sera ya Ubia kati ya Serikali na Sekta Binafsi (PPP) ...