Now showing items 51-70 of 101

    • The Finance Act,2007 

      Tanzania, United Republic (Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2007)
      An Act to impose and alter certain taxes and to amend certain written laws relating to the collection and management o public revenues
    • The Finance Act,2009 

      Tanzania, United Republic (Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2009)
      An Act to impose and alter certain taxes and to amend certain written laws relating to the collection and management o public revenues
    • The Finance Act,2010 

      Tanzania, United Republic (Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2010)
      An Act to impose and alter certain taxes and to amend certain written laws relating to the collection and management o public revenues
    • The Finance Act,2010 

      Tanzania, United Republic (Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2010)
      An Act to impose and alter certain taxes and to amend certain written laws relating to the collection and management o public revenues
    • The Finance Act,2011 

      Tanzania, United Republic (Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2011)
      An Act to impose and alter certain taxes and to amend certain written laws relating to the collection and management o public revenues
    • The Finance Act,2012 

      Tanzania, United Republic (Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2012)
      An Act to impose and alter certain taxes and to amend certain written laws relating to the collection and management o public revenues
    • The Finance Act,2014 

      The United Republic of Tanzania (Ministry of Finance, 2014)
      An Act to impose and alter certain Taxes and Duties to amend certain enactments to make, a special provision in relation to certain Taxes and Duties and to provide for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto
    • The Finance Act,2016 

      The United Republic of Tanzania (Ministry of Finance, 2016)
      An Act to impose and alter certain Taxes and Duties to amend certain enactments to make, a special provision in relation to certain Taxes and Duties and to provide for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto
    • The Finance Act,2018 

      Tanzania, United Republic (Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2018)
      An Act to impose and alter certain taxes and to amend certain written laws relating to the collection and management o public revenues
    • The Finance Act,2019 

      Tanzania, United Republic (Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2019)
      An Act to impose and alter certain taxes and to amend certain written laws relating to the collection and management o public revenues
    • The Finance Act,2020 

      Tanzania, United Republic (Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2020)
      An Act to impose and alter certain taxes and to amend certain written laws relating to the collection and management o public revenues
    • The Finance Act,2021 

      Tanzania, United Republic (Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2021)
      An Act to impose and alter certain taxes and to amend certain written laws relating to the collection and management o public revenues
    • The Finance Act,2022 

      Tanzania, United Republic (Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2022)
      An Act to impose and alter certain taxes and to amend certain written laws relating to the collection and management o public revenues
    • The Finance Act,2023 

      The United Republic of Tanzania (Ministry of Finance, 2023)
      An Act to impose and alter certain taxes, duties, levies, fees and to amend certain written laws relating to collection and management of public revenues.
    • Finance Acts, 2015 

      Tanzania, United Republic (Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2015)
      An Act to impose and alter certain taxes and to amend certain written laws relating to the collection and management of public revenues
    • The Fire and Rescue Force (Safety Inspections and Certificates (Amendment) Regulations, 2017 

      The United Republic of Tanzania (Ministry of Finance, 2017)
      The Fire and Rescue Force (Safety Inspections and Certificates (Amendment) Regulations
    • The Foreign Vehicles Transit Charges Act, Cap 84 R.E 2019 

      Tanzania, United Republic (Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2019-11-30)
      An Act to impose and collect transit charges on the use of foreign vehicles on public roads, to repeal the Foreign Commercial Vehicles (Licensing) Act, and to provide for other matters related to transit charges.
    • The Gaming Act, Cap 41 R.E 2019 

      Tanzania, United Republic (Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2019-11-30)
      An Act to provide for the regulation of gaming activities; to provide for establishment of the Gaming Board of Tanzania; to provide for the control and licensing by the Board of gaming activities; to prohibit certain ...
    • The Government Loans, Guarantess and Grants Act, 1974 R.E 2004 

      Tanzania, United Republic (Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2004-11-11)
    • The Government Loans, Guarantess and Grants Act, 1974 R.E 2004 

      The United Republic of Tanzania (Ministry of Finance, 2004-11-11)