Now showing items 11-20 of 58
The Finance Act,2005
(Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2005)
An Act to impose and alter certain taxes and to amend certain written laws relating to the collection and management o public revenues
The Finance Act,2022
(Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2022)
An Act to impose and alter certain taxes and to amend certain written laws relating to the collection and management o public revenues
The Finance Act,1976
(Ministry of Finance and Planning, 1976)
An Act to impose and alter certain taxes and to amend certain written laws relating to the collection and management o public revenues
The Finance Act,1984
(Ministry of Finance, 1984)
An Act to impose and alter certain taxes and to amend certain written laws relating to the collection and management of public revenues
The Statistics Act, Cap 351 R.E 2019
(Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2019-12-30)
An Act to repeal the Statistics Act, to establish the National Bureau of
Statistics, and the Statistics Governing Board, to provide for
the coordination of the National Statistical System, and to
make better provisions ...
The Finance Act,1973
(Ministry of Finance and Planning, 1973)
An Act to impose and alter certain taxes and to amend certain written laws relating to the collection and management o public revenues
The Finance Act,1981
(Ministry of Finance, 1981)
An Act to impose and alter certain taxes and to amend certain written laws relating to the collection and management of public revenues
The Finance Act,2009
(Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2009)
An Act to impose and alter certain taxes and to amend certain written laws relating to the collection and management o public revenues
The Public Procurement Act, 2011
(Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2011-12-30)
An Act to make better provisions for the regulation of public
procurement, to provide for repeal of the Public Procurement
Act, 2004 and re-enact the Public Procurement Act and
consequential matters and to provide ...
The Value Added Tax Act, Cap 148 R.E. 2019
(Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2019-11-30)
An Act to make a legal framework for the imposition and collection
of, administration and management of the value added tax and
to provide for other related matters.