National Five Year Development Plan 2016/17-2021/22
On December 9, 2016, Tanzania will be commemorating its
55th Independence Anniversary. The motivation for our mothers,
fathers, sisters and brothers for rallying behind the collective
objective of ending colonialism was none other than putting the
task of developing the country in our own hands.
The newly independent state started with only eight qualified
Medical Doctors; two Engineers; a life expectancy at birth of only
38 years; a per capita GDP at merely US$ 48; and no University.
Tanzania will be celebrating the Independence Day with
pride, considering, the mileage covered so far in fulfilling her
development objectives. The country has forged ahead to attain
a life expectancy of more than 61 years, created a modest pool
of 2,190 Medical Doctors and over 30,245 Engineers; established
about 50 universities and university colleges and attained a GDP per capita of US$ 1,043 by 2014;
putting the country at the threshold of graduating from Low to Middle Income Country status by