The Tanzania Five Year Development Plan 2011/12-2015/16
It is indeed my great pleasure to present to you this National Five
Year Development Plan (2011/12-2015/16) to implement the
Tanzania Development Vision 2025. This Plan is the first in a series
of three Five Year Development Plans, which aim at transforming
Tanzania into a middle-income country by 2025. This is envisaged
to happen through the targeting of strategic priority interventions to
move Tanzania to a higher growth trajectory coupled with a shift
from an agriculture-based to an industry-based economy.
Furthermore, this growth momentum will have to be duly monitored
in order to make sure its benefits are broadly shared and reflected in
improved quality of life for the majority of Tanzanians. Employment creation, particularly for the
youth, is also a critical cross-cutting target of this Plan. The overall theme of this Plan is to unleash
Tanzania‟s growth potentials.